Sunday, December 6, 2009

Highlights from Hawaii

Patrick just cut four teeth at the same time! That has been cause for much sleep deprivation this week and no energy for blogging. Thank goodness for the Sunday afternoon nap. Here are some highlights from our recent trip to Hawaii.

Here's James with his Hawaii bff, Johnny (Papa and Gramma's neighbor) at Alligator Pond, our favorite beach.
James kept saying, "Gabe! I mean, Johnny!"

James loved the dinosaur exhibit at Bishop Museum.

James was way into the fire dancers at the Polynesian Cultural Center.
We went twice to see them.

Eagerly awaiting shave ice.

Swimming at Waimea Falls.

James and Genevieve in their PCC shirts.
James: "Now I'n a fire guy!"

A birthday cupcake before we left. James' birthday was the day after we got home. Also, notice his chin. That's not frosting. It's a butterfly bandage. Somehow James managed to split his chin open while he was in the hot tub. I decided to forgo the trip to the ER this time and butterflied and super glued it myself. It's healing rather nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday JAMES!!!! Those PCC shirts are hilarious. (What? James was fascinated with fire dancers? Who woulda thought???) And way to doctor up your kid. Butterfly bandage/superglue skillz are probably a good thing to acquire in your like of work...
    (Now I must get Ella some more "breakfast food", as she's broken out into spontaneous jumping jacks in her frenzy for corn flakes...)
